ESTNA Therapist Certification
Dual Certification with Ego State Therapy International
(Please note: Certification through North America makes you eligible for certification through Ego State Therapy International, as it is now a dual certification program.)
ESTNA was established by approved trainers through Ego State Therapy International (ESTI): Maggie Phillips, Ph.D. and Wendy Lemke, M.S. in order to provide a certification process in North America that followed the standards set by Ego State Therapy International.
These certification requirements are based on what is currently required through ESTI. These requirements may be modified to assure the U.S requirements are in alignment with the ESTI requirements should changes occur at the international level. Currently, the road is being paved to offer enough ESTNA/ESTI approved trainings so that certification is an option in North America but that is going to take time so please be patient.
Candidates must be licensed mental health professionals who have achieved at least a master’s degree, or be students actively enrolled in this type of professional training leading to a clinical license.
1. The Basic Training in Ego-State Training is equivalent to a minimum of six days of training for a total of 48 hours (i.e.: six 8-hour days or 8 six-hour days, etc.). For example, this will include a Foundations Course 1 (20-hours) and Basic Course Training 2 (28-hours; previously called an "intermediate" course focusing on more depth and skills than Foundations Course 1).
2. At the Advanced Level, an additional 60 hours of training are required. These will consist of specialized workshops based on the clinical expertise of various approved ESTNA faculty members. Only approved ESTNA trainings will count towards certification. Workshop topics may include children and adolescents, EST and EMDR, Somatic Ego-State Therapy, working with complex PTSD and dissociative disorders, EST and energy psychology, EST with pain disorders, interventions with malevolent introjects, and so on. An ESTNA masterclass for more experiential focus is highly recommended (and required if pursuing certification beyond ESTNA therapist certification). Some advanced trainings will require clinical hypnosis training prior to taking them.
*Currently, these hours are open to student interest/choice, but in the future some may be required.
*For those who started their first Foundation course prior to 1-1-24, the advanced requirements are 48 hours of training.
3. A total of 64 hours of basic, intermediate, and advanced level training in clinical hypnosis obtained through approved clinical hypnosis organizations or by individuals who offer ASCH approved courses (American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, The Milton H. Erickson Foundation, European Society of Hypnosis, and the International Society of Hypnosis). Students must present a certificate (or certificates) validating their achievement of this requirement when applying for the ESTI certification.
4. Additionally, 20 hours of supervised consultation by approved EST trainers is required. These can be obtained live, via Skype or Zoom, or in webinars (individual or group).
5. Four hours of 1:1 personal sessions by approved EST trainers. These can be live, face-to-face meetings or online. They are educational, experiential sessions, not therapeutic sessions.
Total hours of EST training & consultation: 120 hours
Hypnosis training: +64 hours
Total training: =184 hours
***Currently, ESTNA does not provide trainings and/or consultation as ESTNA is just a community promoting the standards of education and certification process set by ESTI. A list of approved trainers can be found in the directory. (Given we just launched in 2021, this will take some time.)
There are four different levels of certification designated by Ego State Therapy International, view below for requirements for each level.
*Please note that certification requirements beyond ESTNA certified therapist level are dependent on available opportunities.
Once you have met the requirements and are accepted, certification fees will be due prior to granting your certification(s), current (2024) fees are as follows:
Therapist: $125 (incudes $50 Euro fee to ESTI)
Assistant: (Free, ESTNA opportunities based on availability)
Consultant: $200 (includes $100 Euro fee to ESTI)
Trainer: $200 (includes $100 Euro fee to ESTI)
Certification Levels and Requirements from Ego State Therapy International (ESTI)
Please note, the requirements for the advanced certification levels for ESTNA and ESTI will be the same. The information here can also be found on ESTI's website at: http://www.egostateinternational.com.

EST Therapist
Below you will find a button for the therapist requirements listed by ESTI for becoming an Ego State Certified Therapist. ESTNA's are listed above. You will notice these requirements are very similar to ESTNA's requirements, however ESTNA keeps track of hours versus days. When you meet the ESTNA requirements, you will also be approved for certification through ESTI, as your approving ESTNA representative has the authority to recommend you for certification through ESTI (it is a dual type of certification). There is an administration fee for certification that will be split between ESTNA & ESTI. If you'd like to view ESTI's therapist requirements, click on the following:
When you have completed all the ESTNA requirements, click on the following to submit the ESTNA Therapist Certification Application.

EST Consultant
For those who wish to pursue a higher level of certification in EST and work toward becoming an ESTNA consultant (ESTI supervisor), click on the following for requirements. Certification as a therapist and assistant are pre-requirements. This level of training can be pursued through your country's authorized trainers.

EST Trainer
For those wishing to pursue a higher level of certification in EST and work toward becoming a trainer, click on the following for requirements. Certification as a therapist and consultant are pre-requirements. This level of training can be pursued through your country's authorized trainers.